Test Results

That's right. The results have come in... let's see how you did... ok fine. We didn't actually test you on anything, so don't panic.
Actually, we thought it would be fun to take a bunch of tests and post the results here, so... yeah. We're going to do it. lol That was kind of badly worded, but... anyway...


Meyers-Briggs: ENFP-T "Campaigner"
Enneagram: 7 The Enthusiast
Keirsey: Idealist-Champion
Spiritual gift: Mercy
Highly Sensitive: 8/27
ADHD: Moderate Indication of ADD/ADHD
Autism: "You Are Not Suffering From Autism"
Distorted-tune Test: 100%
Tonedeaf Test: 69.4%


Meyers-Briggs: INTJ-A "Architect"
Enneagram: 8 The Challenger
Keirsey: Guardian-Inspector
Spiritual gift: Discernment/Hospitality
Highly Sensitive: 22/27
ADHD: Moderate Indication of ADD/ADHD
Autism: 40%
Distorted-tune Test: 100%
Tonedeaf Test: 66.7%

Meyers-Briggs: https://www.16personalities.com/ ;  Enneagram: https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-descriptions/ ;  Keirsey: https://www.keirsey.com/sorter/register.aspx ;  Spiritual gift: http://giftstest.com/test ;  Highly Sensitive: http://hsperson.com/test/ ;  ADHD: https://www.psycom.net/adhd-test ;  Autism: http://illnessquiz.com/autism-test/ ;  Distorted-tune Test: https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/tunestest/take-distorted-tunes-test ;  Tonedeaf Test: http://jakemandell.com/tonedeaf/ ;  IQ Test: https://www.123test.com/iq-test/#classical-intelligence-test 

Feel free to take any of the tests and comment the results below! We love comments. 😉

The Cinnamon Sisters 💖

P.S. Almost happy Valentine's Day, too. 😊 (Not that it's an almost-happy Valentine's Day, but that it's almost going to be a happy Valentine's Day... hopefully)
